
How to Know for Sure: 20 Signs That Your Ex is Gone for Good

Breakups can be tough, but there comes a point when you need to accept that your ex is gone for good. The lingering hope of reconciliation can hinder your ability to move on and start fresh. So how do you know if it’s time to let go? 

In this post, we’ve compiled a list of 20 undeniable signs that your ex has moved on and isn’t coming back. Whether you’re ready for closure or just looking for some clarity, these signs will help you understand once and for all where things stand between the two of you.

20 Signs Your Ex will Never Come Back

When a relationship ends, it’s normal to hold out hope that your ex will change their mind and come back to you. But sometimes, it becomes increasingly clear that your ex is never coming back. If you’re starting to wonder whether your ex is gone for good, here are some indications that may help you reach a decision:

  • #Sign 1: They’ve Completely Cut Off All Contact With You
  • #Sign 2: They’re Not Making Any Effort
  • #Sign 3: They Don’t React at All When You Reach Out to Them
  • #Sign 4: They Have Moved to a Different City or Country
  • #Sign 5: They’ve Changed Their Appearance
  • #Sign 6: You Catch Them Staring at Other People
  • #Sign 7: They Suddenly Start Dating Someone New
  • #Sign 8: They’re Being Rude or Hostile
  • #Sign 9: They’re Not Responding to Your Messages
  • #Sign 10: They’re Not Willing to Work on the Relationship
  • #Sign 11: They’re Not Showing Any Emotion
  • #Sign 12: They’re Making Excuses
  • #Sign 13: They’re Treating You Like a Stranger
  • #Sign 14: They Have Shown No Signs of Regretting the Breakup
  • #Sign 15: They Have Taken Down Any Photos or Memories of You
  • #Sign 16: They’re Not Willing to Work on the Issues
  • #Sign 17: They Have Clearly Moved on and Started Seeing Someone Else
  • #Sign 18: They’ve Made It Clear That They’re Over You
  • #Sign 19: They Don’t Miss You
  • #Sign 20: They’re Happy Without You

#Sign 1: They’ve Completely Cut Off All Contact With You

If your ex has completely cut off all contact with you, it’s a pretty clear sign that they’re gone for good. This includes things like no longer responding to your texts, calls, or emails; unfriending or blocking you on social media; and no longer coming around to places where they know you’ll be. 

If they’ve made it clear that they don’t want anything to do with you, it’s best to respect their wishes and move on.

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#Sign 2: They’re Not Making Any Effort

If you notice that your ex isn’t making any effort to try and win you back or get your attention, it’s a pretty clear sign that they’re over you. Maybe they’ve started dating someone new and are completely focused on that person, or maybe they’ve just realized that there’s no point in trying to get back together with you. 

Either way, if they’re not putting any effort into getting your attention, it means they don’t care about you anymore.

#Sign 3: They Don’t React at All When You Reach Out to Them

If you’ve tried reaching out to your ex and they completely ignore you, it’s a pretty good sign that they are done with the relationship. They don’t want to talk to you or hear what you have to say. This could be because they’ve moved on and are already dating someone else, or it could be because they just don’t care about you anymore. 

Either way, it’s not a good sign for the future of your relationship.

#Sign 4: They Have Moved to a Different City or Country

The fourth sign that your ex is gone for good is that they have moved to a different city or country. If your ex was the one who initiated the breakup, this is an even more telling sign that they are not interested in getting back together. 

If they have moved away, it will be much harder for you to keep in contact with them and even harder to get them back.

#Sign 5: They’ve Changed Their Appearance

When your ex suddenly changes their appearance, it can be a sign that they are trying to move on from the relationship. 

They may get a new haircut, change their style of clothing, or start wearing more makeup. If you notice that your ex is making a significant change to their appearance, it may be a sign that they are trying to move on without you.

#Sign 6: You Catch Them Staring at Other People

When you catch your ex staring at other people, it’s a sure sign that they’re over you. They may be looking for someone new to date or they may just be curious about other people. Either way, it’s a good indication that they’re ready to move on from the relationship. 

If you see your ex staring at other people, it’s likely that they are not interested in you anymore and have moved on. It could be a sign that they’re ready to start dating other people or that their feelings for you have faded.

#Sign 7: They Suddenly Start Dating Someone New

If your ex starts dating someone new very soon after breaking up with you, it’s a pretty clear indication that they were never really invested in the relationship with you. 

They weren’t looking for something long-term, and so as soon as things ended with you, they went ahead and found someone else. This is definitely a sign that it’s time to move on.

#Sign 8: They’re Being Rude or Hostile

There are few things more unpleasant than feeling disrespected or belittled by someone we used to care for. If your ex is constantly making snide remarks or openly hostile toward you, it’s a sign that they’ve moved on and don’t want anything to do with you. 

This type of behavior usually indicates that your ex has no interest in getting back together or even being friends; they just want to hurt you however they can. If you’re constantly being treated rudely or with hostility by your ex, it’s time to let them go and move on yourself.

#Sign 9: They’re Not Responding to Your Messages

There are many reasons why someone might not respond to your messages. They may have blocked you on social media or changed their phone number. Or, they may simply be ignoring you because they don’t want to talk to you.

If you’ve tried reaching out to your ex multiple times and haven’t gotten a response, it’s time to accept that they’re gone and move on. There’s no point in continuing to message someone who doesn’t want to talk to you.

#Sign 10: They’re Not Willing to Work on the Relationship

If your ex isn’t willing to work on the relationship, it’s a strong indication that they’re gone for good. If they’re not willing to communicate or try to resolve issues, it’s a sign that they don’t see a future with you. If they’re not willing to put in the effort to make things work, it’s likely that they’ve already moved on.

#Sign 11: They’re Not Showing Any Emotion

It can be difficult to tell if your ex is truly over you or just playing it cool. After all, they may not want to show their cards and give you false hope. Onetelltale sign that they’re not showing any emotion is if they go out of their way to avoid you. This includes making up excuses not to see you, being distant and cold when you do see each other, and refusing to talk about the relationship. If your ex seems uninterested in anything related to you, it’s a strong sign that they’re ready to move on.

#Sign 12: They’re Making Excuses

Another sign that your ex is gone for good is that they start making excuses. They might say that they’re too busy to talk or see you, or that they’re not ready to get back into a relationship. These excuses are usually accompanied by a lack of empathy and a lack of interest in your life. If you’ve been trying to get in touch with your ex and they’re consistently making excuses, it’s likely that they don’t want to talk to you anymore.

#Sign 13: They’re Treating You Like a Stranger

If you and your ex used to be close but suddenly they’re treating you like a stranger, it’s a sign that they’re gone for good and aren’t coming back. They may have even deleted you from their social media or blocked you altogether. This is usually a pretty clear sign that they don’t want anything to do with you anymore and are moving on with their life.

If you’ve been trying to contact them but they’re completely ignoring you, it’s time to accept that they’re gone for good.

#Sign 14: They Have Shown No Signs of Regretting the Breakup

It can be absolutely heartbreaking when you’re trying to get over a breakup and your ex seems totally fine. You might find yourself wondering if they regret the breakup at all, or if they’ve moved on without any feelings of remorse. If your ex is showing no signs of regretting the breakup, it’s likely that they’ve truly moved on and are ready to move forward with their lives without you.

#Sign 15: They Have Taken Down Any Photos or Memories of You

It can be pretty hurtful when you realize that your ex has taken down all traces of you from their social media and life in general. This sign is a pretty clear cut indication that they are over you and have moved on. If they were still interested in keeping tabs on you or getting back together, they would most likely keep some photos or memories of you around.

#Sign 16: They’re Not Willing to Work on the Issues

If your ex is no longer willing to work on the issues that led to the breakup, then they may be gone for good. This is especially true if they are unwilling to even discuss the issues. If they’re not willing to work on the relationship, then it’s probably time to let go.

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#Sign 17: They Have Clearly Moved on and Started Seeing Someone Else

It can be difficult to tell if your ex is seeing someone else, especially if you’re still in touch with them. However, there are some clear signs that indicate they have moved on. If your ex starts dating someone else soon after the breakup, it’s likely they were never really over you to begin with. 

Similarly, if they start talking about their new partner all the time or posting pictures of them on social media, it’s a sign they have moved on and are ready to start a new chapter in their life without you.

#Sign 18: They’ve Made It Clear That They’re Over You

It can be difficult to know for sure that your ex is gone for good, but there are some signs that can indicate that they are no longer interested in you. If they have made it clear that they are over you, it is likely that they will not want to talk to you or see you again. 

They may also avoid any contact with your friends and family. If your ex is completely indifferent to you, it is likely that they are gone for good.

#Sign 19: They Don’t Miss You

Signs that your ex is gone for good can be difficult to read. On one hand, you want to believe that they still care and miss you; on the other hand, you don’t want to be played for a fool. The key is to look for certain signs that indicate their feelings (or lack thereof) towards you. 

If your ex never misses you, it’s a pretty strong sign that they’re done with the relationship. Why would they bother keeping in touch if they didn’t miss you? They wouldn’t. If they do contact you, however, pay attention to how they act around you. Do they seem happy to see you or are they distant? 

#Sign 20: They’re Happy Without You

If your ex is happy without you, they likely won’t be trying to get back together with you any time soon. They may even start dating someone new and seem totally content in their life without you. If you’re still hung up on your ex and want to get back together, you’ll need to accept that they’re happy without you and move on. 

What to Do When Your Ex is Gone for Good


So, what can you do when your ex is gone for good? Here are some tips to help you move on:

1. Focus on Yourself

Instead of focusing on your ex and what they’re doing, focus on yourself. Take time to do things that make you happy, whether that’s spending time with friends, pursuing a new hobby, or taking a trip. Focusing on yourself will help you heal and move on from the relationship.

2. Cut Off Contact

If your ex has cut off contact with you, it’s important to respect their decision and cut off contact as well. That means no texting, no calling, and no stalking them on social media. Cut off all ties and focus on your own healing.

3. Be Patient

Healing from a breakup takes time, so be patient with yourself. It’s okay to feel sad, angry, or confused, but remember that those feelings will fade with time. Focus on your healing and know that you will find love again.

4. Seek Support

Talking to friends, family, or a therapist can be immensely helpful when you’re dealing with a breakup. Don’t be afraid to reach out for support and guidance when you need it.

When your ex is gone for good, it can be a painful and difficult experience. But by recognizing the signs that your ex will never come back and taking steps to move on, you can heal and find happiness again. Remember to focus on yourself, cut off contact, seek support, and be patient with yourself as you heal.

Setting Boundaries After a Breakup

It can be difficult to set boundaries after a breakup, especially if you were in a long-term relationship. You may have trouble saying no to your ex or you may find yourself still doing things for them that you don’t want to do. But it’s important to set boundaries in order to protect yourself emotionally and move on from the relationship.

Here are some tips for setting boundaries after a breakup:

1. Be clear about what you do and don’t want to do for your ex. If they ask you to do something that you’re not comfortable with, be assertive and say no.

2. Don’t feel guilty about setting boundaries. You have a right to take care of yourself and you shouldn’t have to put up with anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or unhappy.

3. Communicate your boundaries clearly to your ex. Let them know what you’re comfortable with and what you’re not comfortable with so that they can respect your wishes moving forward.

4. Stick to your boundaries even if your ex doesn’t like them. It’s important that you don’t let anyone cross your boundaries, even if it means ending contact with them altogether.

5. Avoid places where you know you’ll see your ex. If you frequent the same places, it will be difficult to avoid them completely. Try out new places instead so you can create new memories.

6. Don’t talk about your ex with mutual friends. It’s tempting to want to gossip about what went wrong in the relationship, but resist the urge. Talking about your ex will only keep them in your life when you’re trying to move on.

7. Unfollow or block your ex on social media . Seeing their posts and updates will only make it harder for you to move on from the relationship .

As difficult as it may be, these situations are not uncommon and the important thing is to recognize when they occur. With that in mind, we hope this article has provided you with 20 signs that your ex is gone for good so that you can make an informed decision on how best to proceed. 

Although break-ups and missing someone can be hard, being able to accept the fact that things have come to an end will ultimately help you move forward confidently and start anew on a path of happiness.

About author


Alex Marz is a self-help and relationship expert who understands and loves the individual's philosophy and wants nothing more than to repair the broken relationships, spark chemistry, and make you succeed in your life.
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