
40+ Important Questions To Ask Your Future Self

Everybody wants a bright and happy future. Don’t we?

Asking yourself quality questions will help you improve your future self.

However, have you made any preparations for the future? Although we can’t predict it, we can at least ensure ourselves a good one. Preparing for the future now can be more beneficial than regretting it later. Ultimately, your decisions today determine your future. 

Did you ever stop to ask serious questions to yourself about what you really want to accomplish in the future? If so, you are serious about your future and ready to move forward. But if you have not asked yourself what you want to do in the future. Here are 30 questions to ask your future self. 

Note: Remember that these questions are made to make you discover who you actually are, to understand your time in the present, and to focus on the future. Additionally, we have included some questions from an online survey too. 

Questions To Ask Your Future Self

1. Who Am I? That’s the first thing you need to know about yourself.

2. What is my life’s purpose? Why are you here? Finding out the motive of your life.

3. What am I most passionate about? It is important to discover what matters to you the most. 

4. How am I taking care of my body? Not just physically, but mentally as well.

5. How often do I overthink little things? Overthinking just messes up your brain and your time.

6. What am I going to do with all of those degrees? Ask yourself if they are really worth it?

7. Is Money > Happiness? Ultimately, we need money to survive and be happy.

8. Are all of my friends worth having? That depends on your social circle. Make friends with those who are serious about their careers instead of party lovers.

9. Do I have enough hunger to outdo the others? If you lack dedication and determination you can’t outshine the competition. 

10. Do I care if other people judge you? Your attitude shows how you value yourself.

11. Am I mature enough to understand the difference between what is wrong for you and what is wrong for you? Making the right decisions always leads to happiness.

12. Another question to ask your future self is, “Are my parents are proud of me?” You must make your family happy since they are your biggest supporters. 

13. Is there anyone I admire most? If so, you’ll be motivated to do better.

14. Do I settle for less than my worth? Unleash your full potential.

15. Do I worry about failing too much? It’s understandable. Obviously, not everyone can get what they want, but you should at least try. It’s better to try than to do nothing.

16. What do I fear the most? Face your fears and overcome them.

17. Do I have control over my emotions? You will never achieve success if you can’t control your emotions and your yourself. 

18. What qualities am I looking for in your future life partner? Pick a partner who will be there for you through the good times and the bad. 

19. Have I learned anything from my previous relationship? It’s tragic when a relationship ends, but the lessons we learn from previous relationships will help us grow and be better companions for a new partner.

20. Am I ready for a new relationship? You must ask your future self if you’re ready for a commitment.

21. What would I do in my time? Most people spend their free time on social media or watching Netflix. How would you ensure a better future if you couldn’t take advantage of your free time?

22. What pet would I love to keep with me? Keep a pet with you, whether it’s a dog, cat, or whatever you prefer. They understand you more than humans.

23. Do I enjoy your life? If yes, then that’s great and if not, keep doing what you love.

24. Do I spend too much money on unnecessary items? Put your money toward necessities, not luxuries. 

25. Am I investing or just saving your money? Investing your money is more important than just saving it in a bank account. 

26. What is the first thing I do after waking up? A morning of yoga or meditation would make the rest of the day more fulfilling. 

27. Do I live a healthy life? Health is wealth, as the saying goes. Therefore, it’s imperative to take care of your health and focus on creating wealth. 

28. What are the biggest lessons I’ve learned in your life? Ask yourself what you have learned from your journey so far. 

29. What would be my one wish if I could? There are a thousand things that men wish they had, but what do you wish you would have!

30. What is my relationship with my family like? Do they even appreciate what you’ve accomplished?

31. How humble am I? No matter how successful you become, just stay humble and move forward. 

32. What is my top priority in my life right now? Learn to set boundaries and prioritize your goals and dreams before anyone else

33. What is my frustration right now? You must learn to analyze and overcome your frustration to live a better and happy life.

34. Have I been settling for less? You must never settle for less and you deserve every bit of happiness in your life.

35. Have I been reading less books? There is always more to learn. Invest time in reading an interesting book and soaking up all the knowledge it contains.

36. Have I forgiven myself? Let go of your past and forgive yourself. Holding on to it will only hold you back from becoming the awesome person you’re meant to be.

37. Do I still hold grudges on someone? You will awaken your hatred when you hold grudges and disrupt your inner peace.

38. How will I deal with a Bad Day? Having a bad day doesn’t mean having a bad life. It’s just a phase that will pass. Instead of panicking about it try to solve your problems.

39. Have I missed out on anything that I wanted to do? Remember and fulfill all your once-cherished dreams, even if it takes some time.

40. Am I living my life to the fullest right now? Live life to the fullest, cheer up the world and stay happy.

41. Most importantly, “Am I happy?” At the end of the day, you’re doing it for yourself. Having fun and being happy is the key.

Improving Your Future Self

There are so many other questions to ask your future self. But we picked the most common. Let us know if you think we missed anything. 

There is no way to determine whether or not you have lived your life to the fullest based on the number of years you have lived. Instead of dwelling on the past, it is better to think about your future and the bigger picture ahead of you.

We understand that envisioning the future can be challenging, but it’s worth it if you work hard with a well-thought-out plan and dedication from now on. 

About author


Sunil is content creator here at EasyQuestionsToAsk. He is passionate about learning new things everyday. He spends his free time playing basketball and with his dog.
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