
50+ Best & Funny Corn Jokes

50+ Best & Funny Corn Jokes

Corn jokes are a staple in the comedy world and have been around for generations. Whether it’s a punny one-liner or a hilarious story, corn jokes are sure to bring a smile to anyone’s face. From classic wordplay to lighthearted puns, these corny jokes are sure to get you laughing. So, get ready to have a good time and enjoy some of the best corn jokes around.

Corn Jokes

Why did the corn refuse to play hide-and-seek? Because it was always a-maize-ing at how easily it was found.

Why was the corn so good at gymnastics? Because it was always full of kernel.

Why did the corn get in trouble at school? Because it was always popping up in class.

Why did the corn go to the doctor? Because it wasn’t feeling kernel.

Why did the corn decide to become a musician? Because it was always in tune with the kernels.

Why did the corn break up with its girlfriend? Because she was a little too cob-sessed.

Why was the corn so good at sports? Because it always had a-maize-ing stamina.

Why did the corn go on a diet? Because it wanted to be a lean, mean, kernel machine.

Why did the corn start a band? Because it wanted to be the kernel of attention.

Why did the corn go to college? Because it wanted to become a kernel-leger.

Why did the corn refuse to play with the other vegetables? Because it was all “ears.”

How do you organize a corn party? You Maize the most of it!

What did the corn say when it finally grew up? “I’m kernel my age!”

Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!

What did the corn say to its crush? “I’m sweet on you!”

How does corn stay cool in the summer? By using an ear conditioner.

Why did the corn start a rock band? To be the kernel of the party.

What do you get when you cross corn with a snowman? Frosted Flakes!

What’s a corn’s favorite time of day? A-maize-ing!

How does corn keep up with the latest fashion trends? By staying in the loop!

Why did the corn stalk cross the road? To get to the cob-a!

What do you call an ear of corn that joins a rock band? A Cob-a-drum!

What do you call a scared kernel of corn? A jump-scare!

What do you get when you cross a snowman and an ear of corn? Frosted Flakes!

Why do corn stalks always look so surprised? Because they’re shocked-awns!

What do you call a farmer who’s always tired? A Corn-tired farmer!

Why don’t corn stalks ever tell jokes? Because they always corny!

What do you get when you cross an ear of corn with a potato? A corntato!

Why do corn stalks have so many friends? Because they’re always a-maize-ing

What did the corn say when it saw a tractor? “Ear-e we going?”

What kind of music do corn plants like? Corn-funk.

What did the corn say when it was asked a hard question? “I’m just a corny guy, so I don’t know.”

What did the corn say when it was asked to tell a joke? “Kernel joke!”

What did the corn say when it was offered a drink? “I’m corny-tently thirsty!”

Why are corn so calm? Because they are popping with patience.

How do you get a corn off your roof? With a corns-crew.

What did the corn say when it was offered some popcorn? “No thanks, I already popped!”

What did the corn say when it was asked what time it was? “Corn-o-clock!”

What did the corn say when it was asked if it had any advice? “Be corny and make every day a cob-filled one!”

What did the corn say to the other corn? Nothing, it just gave it a Kernel hug.

Why don’t you ever see a corn on the beach? Because it’s scared of the husk!

What do you get if you cross a corn with a goat? Corny milk.

What did the corn say when it saw a butter knife? Ah cob!

What did the corn say when it wanted to watch a movie? Popcorn, please!

What did the corn say when it got lost? I’m corned!

What did the corn say when it was sad? I’m feeling down in the cob.

What did the corn say when it wanted to go on vacation? I’m cobsolute-ly ready!

What did the corn say when it was hungry? I need some cob-niblets!

Why did the corn cry? Because it was feeling corny!

What did the baby corn say to the mama corn? Where’s my popcorn?

How do you make popcorn? You corn-fuse it!

What did the corn plant say when it saw the sun? I’m popping with joy!

What did the cornstalk say to the scarecrow? Thanks for making me strong!

What did the corn say when it was asked to tell a joke? “I’m a bit corny!”

What did the corn say when it was asked to help with a project? “Hull yes!”

Tips for Writing Corn Jokes

We all love a good laugh, and corny jokes are one of the best ways to bring a smile to someone’s face. Corny jokes are those jokes that are so bad that they’re actually good, and they often have a punchline that’s just too cheesy for words. If you’re looking for some tips on how to write your own corn jokes, read on for some helpful advice!

  1. Start with a simple setup. A corn joke usually starts with a simple setup, usually involving a pun or play on words. It’s important to keep the setup simple so that the punchline will be more effective. For example, you could start with something like: “Why did the farmer go to the hardware store? To buy a corn-cob pipe!”
  2. Take your time with the punchline. The punchline is the best part of a corn joke, as it’s often the most hilarious part. Take your time to come up with something clever, as this will make the joke much more effective. You could, for example, finish the above joke with “Because he was looking for an ear-full!”
  3. Keep it family friendly. Corn jokes are often great for family gatherings and parties, so keep them light and family friendly. Avoid jokes that involve swearing, crude language, or anything that could be deemed offensive.
  4. Don’t take it too far. Corn jokes are great for a laugh, but don’t take it too far. If you’re writing a joke that relies heavily on puns or wordplay, chances are it’s not going to be very funny, so don’t beat a dead horse.
  5. Have fun with it. Remember, writing corn jokes is all about having fun! Don’t be afraid to be silly and cheesy and let your imagination run wild. That’s the best way to come up with a good corn joke.

Why You Should Use Corn Jokes?

Corn jokes are a great way to get a laugh out of almost any situation. Whether you’re telling them in a group of friends around a campfire, or simply as a way to break the ice with a stranger, corn jokes are always a hit. But why should you use them? Here are a few reasons why using corn jokes is a great idea.

First, corn jokes are fun! Everyone loves to laugh, and what better way to lighten the mood than with a few corny jokes? Corn jokes are typically silly and lighthearted, making them perfect in any situation.

Second, they’re an excellent conversation starter. If you’re looking to break the ice with someone new, you can’t go wrong with a corn joke. It’s a great way to start a conversation, and it’s also sure to give you plenty to talk about.

Finally, corn jokes are also an excellent way to bring people together. Corn jokes are often shared among friends, family, and even strangers. This is the perfect way to show someone that you care and that you’re interested in getting to know them better.


We hope you have enjoyed our collection of corn jokes. We believe that laughter is the best medicine and that a good dose of corn jokes can be just the thing to brighten up your day. Share a corn jokes with your friends, family and spread the joy.

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Martin passionate in helping and giving advice to people in different areas of life. Whether it's your career, relationships, or any other topics. He helps individuals reach their goals and be the most successful versions of themselves.
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