
120 Best Car Jokes That Will Make You Laugh Beyond Belief

Car Jokes

Do you love a good laugh? Are you looking for something that will make your friends smile? Look no further than car jokes! From funny one-liners to hilarious puns, car jokes are sure to bring a smile to everyone’s face. Whether you’re with friends, family or colleagues, car jokes are sure to be a hit. Whether you’re a car enthusiast or not, you’ll be sure to find something to enjoy. So, what are you waiting for? Ready your best smile and get ready to laugh with some of the best car jokes around!

What is Car Jokes?

Car jokes are a classic form of comedy that have been around for generations. They are often clever, inventive, and sometimes even a bit corny. Whether you’re a fan of traditional puns, classic one-liners, or more modern stand-up comedy, car jokes can be a great source of laughs.

At its core, a car joke is simply a joke that has something to do with cars. That could be a play on words, a pun, or a witty reference to a car-related topic. One of the most recognizable types of car jokes is the pun, which is a play on words that often involves a mispronunciation or a clever use of language. For example, one popular pun is “Ferrari-vorous”, which substitutes the word “ferocious” in place of Ferrari.

Car jokes also tend to be a bit self-deprecating, poking fun at the driver or the car itself. These jokes often involve references to the car being slow, unreliable, or just plain ugly. Jokes about poor fuel economy, excessive engine noise, and uncomfortable seats are also common.

Over the years, car jokes have evolved to include more modern themes and references. Some of these more modern jokes are more sarcastic or satirical in nature and involve references to luxury cars, SUVs, hybrids, and electric vehicles. Jokes about environmental awareness and the ever-changing technology of the car industry are also popular.

At the end of the day, car jokes are a classic form of comedy that will never go out of style. They can be funny, irreverent, and a great way to lighten the mood. So the next time you’re driving down the road, don’t forget to throw in a car joke or two!

Hilarious Car Jokes

Hilarious Car Jokes
  1. What do you call a car that’s tired? Exhausted!
  2. Why did the car join a gym? To get a better engine!
  3. How do cars stay cool during summer? They roll down their windows!
  4. What do you call a car that’s always sleeping? A car-nap-ter!
  5. Why did the car go to the beach? To get a new coat of wax!
  6. What do you call a car that tells jokes? A pun-tiac!
  7. What did the car say when it got a flat tire? “Oh, tire-d!”
  8. Why did the car go to the mechanic? It was feeling wheely bad!
  9. What do you call a car that’s really good at singing? An au-to-tone!
  10. Why did the car cross the road? To prove it wasn’t a chicken!
  11. What do you call a car that’s always in a hurry? A race-car!
  12. Why did the car need a haircut? It had a lot of split-ends!
  13. What do you call a car that can tell time? A car-ometer!
  14. Why did the car take a break from driving? It was feeling exhaust-ed!
  15. What do you call a car that’s good at karate? A chop-per!
  16. Why did the car bring a blanket to the race track? So it could take a pit stop!
  17. What do you call a car that’s always on the phone? A tele-vroom-er!
  18. Why did the car eat a snack while driving? It was low on fuel!
  19. What do you call a car that’s afraid of water? A car-p!
  20. Why did the car go to the doctor? It had a case of road rage!
  21. What do you call a car that can play guitar? An auto-tune!
  22. Why did the car go to the dentist? It had a cavity in its trunk!
  23. How do cars keep their hair in place? With a car-omb!
  24. What do you call a car that’s been stolen multiple times? A re-carn-ation!
  25. Why did the car put on a hat? To cover up its sun-roof!
  26. What do you call a car that’s really fast? A velo-car-raptor!
  27. Why did the car go to the gym? To work on its wheel-ness!
  28. How does a car get through a difficult situation? It drives over it!
  29. What do you call a car that’s been modified to carry groceries? A cart-illac!
  30. Why did the car refuse to start? It needed a brake!
  31. Why did the car have a headache? Because it had too many pistons and needles!
  32. What do you call a car that’s been in a wreck? A smash-tang!
  33. Why did the car go to the bar? To get a few drinks in its gas tank!
  34. How do you know if a car is polite? It always uses its turn signal!
  35. What do you call a car that’s afraid of the dark? A head-light!
  36. Why did the car go to the cinema? To see “The Fast and the Furious”!
  37. How do you make a car happy? Fill up its tank!
  38. Why did the car go to the beach? To catch some waves!
  39. What do you call a car that’s really good at math? A calcula-car!
  40. Why did the car break up with its girlfriend? She was always in its trunk!

Best Car Jokes

Best Car Jokes
  1. Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems!
  2. Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!
  3. Why did the chicken cross the playground? To get to the other slide!
  4. What did the grape say when it got stepped on? Nothing, it just let out a little wine!
  5. Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!
  6. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!
  7. What do you get when you cross a snowman and a shark? Frostbite!
  8. What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t come back? A stick!
  9. What do you call an alligator in a vest? An investigator!
  10. What do you call a group of cows playing instruments? A moo-sical band!
  11. Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two-tired!
  12. Why did the tomato turn green? Because it saw the salad dressing!
  13. Why did the elephant paint its toenails red? So it could hide in a cherry tree!
  14. Why don’t skeletons fight each other? They don’t have the guts!
  15. Why did the math book look so sad? Because it had too many problems!
  16. Why did the cookie go to the doctor? Because it felt crumbly!
  17. What did one toilet say to the other toilet? You look flushed!
  18. What did the grape say when it got stepped on? Nothing, it just let out a little whine!
  19. What did one wall say to the other wall? I’ll meet you at the corner!
  20. Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants? In case he got a hole in one!
  21. What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta!
  22. Why did the chicken go to the seance? To talk to the other side!
  23. Why don’t oysters share their pearls? Because they’re shellfish!
  24. What do you call a can opener that doesn’t work? A can’t opener!
  25. Why did the vampire read the newspaper? He heard it had great circulation!
  26. What do you call a snowman with a six-pack? An abdominal snowman!
  27. Why did the musician throw away their dishwasher? It was always out of tune!
  28. What do you call a fish wearing a bowtie? Sofishticated!
  29. Why did the banana go to the doctor? Because it wasn’t peeling well!
  30. Why was the computer cold? It left its Windows open!
  31. Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side!
  32. What did one hat say to the other hat? You stay here, I’ll go on a head!
  33. Why did the computer go to the doctor? It had a virus!
  34. Why did the car decide to learn to swim? It wanted to be a convertible!
  35. What did the car say when it found a parking spot? “That’s tire-iffic!”
  36. Why did the car go to the seance? To talk to the other side mirror!
  37. How do you make a car sound like a sheep? Press the horn and say “baa!”
  38. What do you call a car that’s been abandoned on the side of the road? A car-nage!
  39. Why did the car go to the dentist? To get its lug nuts tightened!
  40. What do you call a car that’s always angry? A road-rage-er!

One-Liners Car Jokes

One-Liners Car Jokes
  1. Why did the car refuse to move? It had a flat attitude!
  2. How do cars stay cool in the summer? They roll down their windows!
  3. What do you call a car that’s always on the phone? A cell-u-car!
  4. Why did the car feel cold? Because it left its heating on ICE!
  5. How do you make a car go faster? Remove the brakes!
  6. Why did the car go to the bank? To get a car loan!
  7. What do you call a car that’s really good at singing? An alto-mobil!
  8. How do you make a car laugh? Tell it a steering joke!
  9. Why did the car take a detour? To avoid traffic-jams!
  10. What do you call a car that’s always happy? A smile-age!
  11. Why did the car park in the shade? So it wouldn’t be a hot rod!
  12. How do you know when a car is being sarcastic? It puts air quotes around its signals!
  13. What do you call a car that’s always running? A mara-thin!
  14. Why did the car go to the gym? To work on its trunk!
  15. How do cars keep their breath fresh? With a car-mint!
  16. What do you call a car that’s always sneezing? A car-choo!
  17. How do cars stay healthy? They get plenty of fuel exercise!
  18. Why did the car get a ticket? It was parked in a no-parking zone!
  19. What do you call a car that’s been in a wreck? A smash-mobile!
  20. Why did the car go to the gym? To work on its horsepower!
  21. What did the car say when it won the race? “I wheelie did it!”
  22. Why don’t cars play football? They prefer to drive!
  23. What do you call a car that’s always dirty? A mud-bug!
  24. Why did the car go to the gym? To work on its muscle car!
  25. How do you make a car sound like a frog? Press the horn and say “ribbit!”
  26. What do you call a car that’s always dancing? A cha-cha car!
  27. Why did the car go to the doctor? It was feeling exhaust-ed!
  28. What do you call a car that’s been turned into a boat? A car-boat!
  29. How do cars keep their food fresh? With their car-fridge!
  30. What do you call a car that’s been made entirely out of cheese? A provol-one!
  31. How do you know when a car is angry? It honks its horn!
  32. Why did the car refuse to start? It was tired of being taken for a spin!
  33. What do you call a car that’s always hungry? A gas-guzzler!
  34. How do cars stay healthy? They get plenty of road-work
  35. Why did the car break up with its girlfriend? She drove it crazy
  36. What do you call a car that’s been made entirely out of ice cream? A sundae-driver!
  37. Why did the car go to the gym? To get a little more horse-power!
  38. What do you call a car that’s always sad? A cry-sler!
  39. Why don’t cars ever get lost? Because they always have their GPS!
  40. How do you make a car sound like a cat? Press the horn and say “meow!”

Why You Should Use Car Jokes?

Car jokes are a great way to liven up any conversation, especially if you’re stuck in a boring car ride. Whether you’re stuck in traffic, waiting for your car to be serviced, or just killing time, car jokes can provide the perfect pick-me-up. Not only that, car jokes are often hilarious, and can even provide a much needed laugh during a stressful day.

So why should you use car jokes? Here are just a few reasons why car jokes can make a great addition to any conversation.

1. They Add Some Lighthearted Fun

Car jokes are often silly and goofy, which can be a great way to take a break from whatever you’re talking about or dealing with. If you’re stuck in traffic, a car joke can be just the thing to lighten the mood and make the time pass faster.

2. They Get the Conversation Going

Car jokes can be great conversation starters, allowing you to get to know the people around you in a fun and relaxed way. If you already know someone and you want to break the ice, a car joke can be a great way to do that.

3. They Make You Laugh

Car jokes are often funny and can lead to plenty of laughs. Whether you’re in the car with your friends, family, or strangers, car jokes can be a great way to add some humor to the conversation.

4. They Can Provide Insight Into a Person’s Personality

People often use car jokes as a part of their self-expression, so you can gain some insight into someone’s character or personality by listening to their car jokes.


Car jokes can be a great way to bring a bit of humor into any conversation. They can lighten the mood and make people laugh, even if the jokes themselves are a bit silly. So the next time you’re feeling a bit down, tell a few car jokes – you may get a few laughs and brighten everyone’s day.

More Jokes:

81 Suicide Jokes to Bring Joy and Uplift Your Mood

110 Funny Ice Cream Jokes

About author


Martin passionate in helping and giving advice to people in different areas of life. Whether it's your career, relationships, or any other topics. He helps individuals reach their goals and be the most successful versions of themselves.
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