
90 Funny Big Head Jokes That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

90 Funny Big Head Jokes That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

Are you tired of feeling self-conscious about your big head? Well, it’s time to embrace the size and unleash some humor in your life! Introducing: Big Head Jokes – a collection of witty one-liners and puns that will have you laughing out loud. Join us as we celebrate all things disproportionate and show you how to turn a perceived flaw into a comedic asset. So grab your oversized hat and let’s get started!

What is Big Head Jokes?

Big head jokes—also known as “dumb jokes” or “dumb blonde jokes”— are a type of joke that poke fun at someone’s intelligence or lack thereof. The jokes usually involve someone making a silly mistake or having a lack of knowledge about something, often due to their having a “big head”, hence the name.

Big head jokes can range from lighthearted fun to mean-spirited insults. On the lighter side, these jokes often play on people’s lack of knowledge about a particular subject—like someone not knowing the proper way to pronounce a word or not being aware of a certain fact. On the other hand, they can also be used to make fun of someone’s intelligence, with the implication that they are not very knowledgeable or smart.

One of the most popular versions of the big head joke involves a person who is asked a question or asked to perform a task and is unable to do so, often making a mistake or misunderstanding the question. This type of joke is often used to point out someone’s lack of knowledge or intelligence, and it’s usually seen as harmless and funny.

Humorous Big Head Jokes You Must Try

Why did the little kid with a big head get invited to the party? They wanted someone to balloon the place!

What do you call a big head that won’t listen? A hard head!

What did the big head say to his friends at the party? Hey guys, come on in and join the head count!

What did the big head say when his teacher asked him a question? I’m sorry, I’m too big headed to answer.

What did the big head say when he saw the moon? Hey, that’s my cousin!

What did the big head say when his parents wanted him to clean his room? No way, I don’t have enough head room!

What did the big head say when he was asked to go on a diet? I’m sorry, I’m too big headed for that!

What did the big head say when his friends asked him to join them for lunch? Sorry, I’m way too big headed for that!

What did the big head say when someone asked him if he was smart? No, I just have a big head!

Why did the big head go to the hairdresser? Because he needed a haircut to fit his head!

What did the big-headed alien say when it landed on Earth? Take me to your leader… and a hairbrush.

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What did the big-headed alien say when it landed on Earth

What did the big-headed alien say when it saw a cow? Moooove over!

What did the big-headed alien say when it saw a dog? Woof!

What did the big-headed alien say when it saw a cat? Meow meow!

What did the big-headed alien say when it saw a mouse? Eek!

What did the big-headed alien say when it saw a bee? Buzz off!

What did the big-headed alien say when it saw a bird? Tweet tweet!

What did the big-headed alien say when it saw a frog? Ribbit!

What did the big-headed alien say when it saw a butterfly? Flutterby!

What did the big-headed alien say when it saw a person? Hi there, Big Head!

How does a giraffe laugh? He-he-he-head!

How does a giraffe laugh?

Why did the elephant paint his toenails red? He wanted to have big feet!

What did the big head zombie say? Braaaaiiinnns!

What did the big headed monster say to his best friend? Hey buddy, let’s skull!

Why did the chicken cross the road? He wanted to stretch his neck!

What did the small head monster say to the big head monster? You have a lot to learn!

Why did the big head alien land on Earth? He wanted to have a bigger noggin!

Why did the fly land on the big head? It wanted to be normal sized!

What did the big head elephant say to the small head elephant? I’m much bigger than you!

What did the big head troll say when he saw a small head troll? You look so tiny!

What did the head say to the other head? Heads up!

Why was the head embarrassed? Because it had a bald spot.

Why did the head get sick? Because it had a headache.

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Why did the head get sick

What did the head say to the other head when it asked for a loan? Sorry, I’m all out of head.

What did the head say to the other head when it offered a job? Thanks, but I already have a head.

Why did the head go to the barber? Because it needed a new hairdo.

What did the head say to the other head when it asked for directions? Heads up!

What did the head say to the other head when it asked for advice? Think with your head!

Why did the head go to the doctor? Because it had a splitting headache.

Why did the head have trouble getting sleep? Because it had a lot on its mind.

What did the big-headed alien say when he stepped on the scale? I come in peace.

How do you make a big-headed alien laugh? Tell him a headline!

What did the big-headed alien say when he saw a UFO? Look at that head-in-the-sky!

What did the big-headed alien say when he saw a hat? That’s a nice head-covering.

What did the big-headed alien say when he stepped on a LEGO? Oh no, my head hurts!

Why did the big-headed alien go to the doctor? He had a head-ache!

What did the big-headed alien say when the teacher asked a question? I don’t know, my head is spinning!

What did the big-headed alien say when he saw a penny? Look, a head’s worth of change!

What did the big-headed alien say when he saw a balloon? Let’s see if I can make my head bigger.

What did the big-headed alien say when the party ended? Well, that’s all folks, head on home!

What did the big headed person say when they weren’t invited to a party? I guess I’ll have to head home!

Why did the big headed person go to the doctor? To get their skull X-rayed!

Why did the big headed person go to the doctor

What did the big headed person say when they lost their hat? It must have been in a different head!

What did the big headed person say when they saw a tall building? That’s a high rise!

What did the big headed person say when they saw a big dog? That’s one big head!

What did the big headed person say when they saw a small car? That’s a tiny head!

What did the big headed person say when they saw a balloon? That’s a floating head!

What did the big headed person say when they saw a pair of earrings? Those are big earrings!

What did the big headed person say when they saw a baseball? That’s a round head!

What did the big headed person say when they saw a piano? That’s a musical head!

What did the big-headed kid say when his teacher asked him what two plus two was? What do you think?

What did the big-headed kid do when his teacher told him to think of a number between one and ten? He thought of eleven!

What did the big-headed kid say when his teacher asked him why the sky was blue? He said, Why do you think?

Why did the big-headed kid get detention? Because he was too smart for the teacher!

Why did the big-headed kid get an A+ on his math test? Because he was too smart for the teacher to give him anything else!

Why did the big-headed kid get an A+ on his science test? Because he was too smart for the teacher to give him anything else!

What did the big-headed kid say when his teacher asked him how much an elephant weighed? He said, I don’t know, but I can tell you it’s a lot!

What did the big-headed kid do when his teacher asked him to name all the states of the United States? He counted to fifty!

Why did the big-headed kid get an A+ on his spelling test? Because he was too smart for the teacher to give him anything else!

What did the big-headed kid say when his teacher asked him to name all the colors of the rainbow? He said, Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet!

What did the monk say to the bald man when they met? I see you’re plenty enlightened already!

What did the man with the ten-foot-tall head wear to school? A hat… a really big hat.

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What did the man with the ten-foot-tall head wear to school

What did the little girl say when asked why she was wearing a giant hat? It’s to keep the sun out of my eyes.

What did the police officer say to the man with the huge head? Don’t worry, sir. I’m sure we’ll be able to find something to fit you.

What did the alien say when asked why he had such a big head? It’s to help me think bigger thoughts.

What did the big head say to the little head? You’re too small to think big thoughts.

What did the big head say to the little head when he saw the mistake he had made? Oh dear, I guess I should have thought it through a little bit more.

What did the little head say to the big head when they met? It’s nice to meet someone whose head is bigger than mine!

What did the man with the giant head say when asked why he was so tall? It helps me reach the high shelves in the supermarket.

What did the man with the giant head say when asked why he was so small? It helps me hide from the monsters under my bed.

What did the person with the big head say when someone said he was bald? No, I’m just highly intelligent!

Did you hear about the woman with the big head? She was always getting stuck in doorways.

Why did the man with the big head join the circus? He thought he would make a killing in the sideshow.

Why did the person with the big head go to the barbershop? He wanted to get a haircut… but he couldn’t find the scissors!

What did the person with the big head say when he was invited to a party? I’m sorry, I don’t fit in small spaces.

What did the person with the big head say when he heard a joke? That’s not funny. I don’t have a sense of humor.

What did the person with the big head say when he heard a joke

What did the person with the big head say when he was asked to speak in public? I’m sorry, I don’t do speeches. I’m too embarrassed with my big head.

What did the person with the big head say when he was asked to move? This is my spot. I’m not going anywhere.

What did the person with the big head say when he was asked to go on a date? I’m sorry, I’m too big of a commitment.

Why did the person with the big head go to the store? He was looking for a hat that fit him.

How to Make Own Big Head Jokes: 5 Tips

When it comes to making your own big head jokes, the key is to think outside the box. Big head jokes don’t have to be about a person’s physical size; they can also be about their mental or emotional size. Here are some tips for creating your own big head jokes:

  1. Look for inspiration.

The best way to come up with your own big head jokes is to observe the world around you. Pay attention to the people you meet, the conversations you overhear, and the media you consume. Take note of any funny jokes, phrases, or quips you find and think about how you can make them your own.

  1. Pick a topic.

Once you have some ideas, choose a topic that you think will work best with a big head joke. This could be something serious or something lighthearted – it’s up to you. Think about what the joke is implying and the message you want to get across.

  1. Make it personal.

Make the joke personal. If you’re making a joke about someone’s size, make sure it’s specific to them. Make sure the joke won’t hurt their feelings or make them feel bad about themselves.

  1. Use humor.

In order to make your own big head joke really funny, you need to use humor. Make sure the joke is easy to understand and uses the right words and phrases. Make sure the joke isn’t too crass or offensive.

  1. Practice, practice, practice.

The best way to make a great big head joke is to practice it. Say it out loud and time yourself to see how long it takes you to deliver the joke. Make sure you’re comfortable with the joke and that you can deliver it with confidence.

Final Thoughts on Big Head Jokes

Big head jokes may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but those who enjoy laughing at these types of jokes can attest to the hilarity and relatability of them. Whether you’re looking for a good laugh or wanting to make someone else smile, there are plenty of big head jokes out there that can do just that. So go on and take your pick – and before you know it, you’ll have everyone in fits of laughter!

About author


Martin passionate in helping and giving advice to people in different areas of life. Whether it's your career, relationships, or any other topics. He helps individuals reach their goals and be the most successful versions of themselves.
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